Our first international interview: Amina Radoncic!

Our first international interview: Amina Radoncic!

Discover Amina and her story!

Dear Amina, since you joined our community you have been a great asset to us, something that gives us confidence to engage other girls in the world studying biomedical engineering. How important is networking to you ?

Networking plays a pivotal role in my professional journey, and I consider it to be of utmost importance. It doesn’t merely facilitate the exchange of knowledge and experiences but also opens doors to new opportunities. Within the field of biomedical engineering, where innovation and collaboration are essential, networking becomes even more crucial.

By connecting with like-minded individuals, industry experts, and mentors, I gain insights into emerging trends, best practices, and potential career pathways. Networking allows me to contribute to the community by sharing my knowledge and experiences, thereby empowering other girls and individuals interested in pursuing biomedical engineering. It fosters a supportive environment where we can learn from each other and collectively strive towards advancing the field.

For me, networking has been instrumental in my growth and success, and I am committed to continuing to leverage it to drive positive change within the community and beyond. 🥰

Your energy is expressed in many ways including organizing the BioNexus Online Student Symposium. How important is telling the story of your life as a student and doctoral student to inspire other young people in the world ?

It’s all about the enthusiasm and passion for me – everything that I do, I do out of pure love for science. Gaining knowledge for me is pointless if I can’t share it with others and inspire them to strive for excellence and never give up on their dreams. Through sharing my experiences as a Master’s student, Young researcher, independent scientific writer and aspiring biomedical engineer, I hope to convey the message that success is not linear and that setbacks are often integral parts of the journey. I wish to highlight the importance of perseverance, resilience, and passion in overcoming obstacles and achieving one’s goals. By organizing events such as the BIONEXUS Online Student Symposium, I strive to create platforms where students from diverse backgrounds can come together, exchange ideas, and foster a sense of community. These initiatives not only showcase the innovative research and accomplishments of fellow students but also serve as sources of inspiration and encouragement for aspiring scholars. 💜

Tell us some behind-the-scenes episodes. Was it difficult to organize an online session?  Were there any other difficulties? What interesting things emerged from these two days?

As the main coordinator and organizing committee member, it was quite challenging to meet all the deadlines and wrap everything up together with my team and our guests. The most important thing when it comes to organizing any kind of event is communication – you have to be open to collaboration and be available to those who need you and want you by their side, either as a guest, moderator, or partner. This wasn’t my First time organizing an event, so I have taken this endeavor with ease and tried to carry that out as a leader, motivator, and the main moral support to my incredible team of dedicated and hard-working students and scientists, who all come from different academic backgrounds. Despite our differences, we managed to organize such an event and moderate an entire palette of sessions, which occupied our audience and captured their attention for these three days. Behind the scenes of BIONEXUS organizing committee was quite hectic and stressful in its own blissful way, as we tried to keep everything synchronized and our audience captivated by the incredibly educational sessions. Online events tend to keep the organizers “wired” because of the availability, wifi stability, and more, but our skillful technical support worked on the maintenance really well. With the endorsement and support from our guests and our college professors, this symposium has been incredibly successful! 💞

We thank you for giving us the opportunity to tell you about our community model (We Wom Engineers), which is still evolving but in which we believe strongly. We want to create a place where there is an opportunity to exchange experiences and also determine new career paths, be of concrete support to young people through mentoring, coaching, and sharing. Do you think this can be useful for young people in your community ? And what do you imagine for your future ?

This would be incredibly useful, as it would provide one large mentoring and networking platform for all scientists and future scholars. In the future, I would like to be able to educate more Young researchers through mentoring and coaching, teach them how to write scientific papers, gain more useful knowledge, and pass it on to their colleagues and friends through collaboration and engagement in various projects both inside and outside of the academic world. As a Young biomedical engineer interested in neurorehabilitation and computational neuroengineering, I would also like to develop and design non-invasive treatments for patients through the application of artificial intelligence in clinical diagnostics. My warmest regards go to the dedicated team of WeWomenEngineers who keep inspiring me and providing the most valuable support to all women in STEM. Being the ambassador for an association of this caliber brings me unfathomable joy, and keeps me energized and motivated to do incredible things. 🌸


We are really happy to jump on this new adventure. If you would also like to tell us your story, write to us at info@wewomengineers.com

Read our latest story HERE


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